Cover Star by Latham


Automatic Pool Covers: Everyday Protection For Your Family

Investing in an automatic pool cover is a wise choice. They are not only safe but also reliable and easy to use. With just a push of a button, you can effortlessly open or close your automatic safety cover. It's that simple!

One of the best things about automatic pool covers is the peace of mind they provide. They offer an added layer of security, helping you prevent accidents and ensuring the safety of your loved ones and pets.

These covers are designed to be reliable and user-friendly. Just flip a switch, and your automatic safety cover will create a barrier that no child or pet can get through.

Additionally, automatic pool covers are tailored to suit your pool perfectly and are made from top-notch materials, ensuring durability and longevity.

Automatic Safety Cover Benefits

Besides its primary purpose, keeping your little ones and pets out of the pool without your supervision, electric pool covers offer a number of savings and maintenance benefits for pool owners including:

  • Upto 90% reduced water evaporation
  • Upto 70% reduced cost in pool heating
  • Upto 50% reduction in electrical cost
  • Upto 70% Reduction in Chemical expenses